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Hurry! Campaign ends in
Bubby Shandy's Children's Library
Campaign Tracker
Yay! We've reached our goal
Goal:  $10,000
Tamara Rodal
Perie Wolosow
Steven Chernys
Sholem and Chanie Blesofsky
Mazel tov Aydel and Sara! May you follow in the footsteps of your Bubby Shandy. Sholem and Chanie Blesofsky Melbourne Australia
Tzali & Shoshi Levin
Chana'le Gourarie
Dedicated to Mrs. Lieberman, my childhood is full of memories of your home with Mashie, early morning coffees, your soft and loving voice, and your calm and peaceful nature. I am so sorry for your loss - Chanie, Esti, Mashie, and the whole family. Ma
menachem pewzner
Elkie Wolf
Judy Linden
In memory of Shandye and Ethel L. Cohen on their shared yahtzeit.
Raizel Hershkovich
In memory of Shaindy Lieberman and her dedication to Jewish education.
Zahava Krevsky
In loving memory of Shandy Lieberman, good friend and role model to all.
Miriam Engel
In memory of Shaindy may her neshama have an aliyah.
Aydla Vechter
In honor of the tremendous work Estie does
Chana Chanowitz
For my dearest bubby
rochel holzkenner
In honor of Rebitzen Shandy who taught me so much with her wisdom, dignity, and sensitivity. I am forever grateful to her.
Moshe & Lise Benitah
In Memory of Shandy
Mendel Nemanov
chaya posner
dedicated to all the children in the preschool
Dr. Jim & Ava Phillips
In Memory of Shandy
Ed Elias
In Memory of Shandy
Michael & Sarita Moss
In Memory of our beloved Shandy
Shirley Shapira
In Memory of Shandy
gitel susskind
In memory of my dear friend Shandy
In Memory of our beloved Shandy. We miss you everyday and you would be so proud of your children and grandchildren. We are so excited to be part of something we know Shandy would so appreciate!
Chani Druk
Moishe & Layah Kievman
mashie slavaticki
Robert Rand
Mashie Rapoport
Shneur Bluming
To our dear and beloved Aunt Shanidy - whose inspired life continues to live through her friends and especially her beloved grandchildren
Masha Goldshmid
Richard & Annie Glick
In memory of Shandy
edward dobin
in memory of Sophie Dobin who loved to read books to children
Sterna Bronstein
Mazel Tov !Mazel tov! I honor of Ayd and Sara bat mitzvah. Yosef yitzchok and sterna Bronstein
AC & Pessie Notik
Dobi Greisman
Mazel Tov!!! What a nice project.
Rochel Kaplan
L'iluy Nishmas my classmate, Shaindy a"h
What a special project! הצלחה רבה
Esther Blumin
In Honor of Sara & Aydel's Bas Mitzvah
Devora Mathless
I met your beautiful Bubby a"h when I was a counselor in Inverrary. She was a very quality and special person. I am sure she will be proud of your library from on high.
Belle Reynolds
Susan Shapiro
Chanie, and family.
Sholly Bluming
Mendy &Sarale Bluming
MAZEL TOV Aydel and Sara!! We miss you Shandy... Hakitzu
Chezky & Rivki Rodal
Menachem and Chanie
chaya berkowitz
Mazel Tov Aydel and Sara
Levi & Aidel Goldstein