Camp  Policies


A completed application must be submitted with a check for the non-refundable fee of $75.00 per camper. This registration fee WILL NOT be credited towards the total tuition fees.

Morning carpool runs from 8:55am until 9:15 am and afternoon carpool runs from 3:15pm until 3:30pm. If you arrive at any other time, you must escort your child to /from the office or classroom.  
To release your child to anyone aside from his/her parents, or authorized for pickup, prior arrangements must be made with the Camp office. Proper identification must be shown each time your child is picked up.


I hereby give Camp Gan Israel permission to take my child on all outings and trips.


Please apply sunscreen to your child every morning before camp. 
Please send your child to camp wearing his/her bathing suit on swim days, and send a change of clothing, and swim shoes/flip flops with your child.


For children ages 5 and up, Camp t-shirts 
must be worn for every trip. 
Camp shirts can be picked up in the main office a week before camp.

Camp Gan Israel is not responsible for any stolen or lost items brought to camp. Please do not send your child with expensive electronics or toys.

Any camper who physically or emotionally harms him/herself or others is subject to suspension at the Camps discretion.

Any camp property damaged by a child, will be the responsibility of the parents to fix/ replace or reimburse.

No refunds will be given for any withdrawals and/or incomplete attendance regardless of the reason.

If payment is not made by the early bird deadline, you will be charged the full rates.

A $35 fee will be charged for all returned checks.

Camp is hereby granted permission to use any photo or video showing our child/ren involved in camp activities.

If an emergency arises (G‑d forbid) and none of the above numbers can be contacted, I hereby give Camp Gan Israel permission to take whatever measure it feels proper and necessary considering circumstances.