Gan Israel is part of the largest and fastest growing network of Jewish day camps in the world. Gan Israel enjoys a well-earned reputation as a trendsetter with innovative ideas, creative programs and new activities.

We focus on providing a superb day camp experience for Jewish children. CGI offers fun for children ages 2 to 10 (11 for girls), promoting love for Judaism. No one puts more care into the care of your child.

This website will provide you with all necessary information regarding camp. However if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions, please feel free to call

Rabbi Levi Chanowitz @ 954 687 5114

Estie Chanowitz @ 954-687-2523

More about our Camp


Child development is the most significant ingredient in a healthy camp experience. This is why our staff is the real secret to our success. Our experienced counselors are known for their personal warmth and ability to care for each child as an individual. Many staff members return year after year, lending experience and continuity to all programs. Each counselor is a role model for our children, promising them friendship which will last forever! Their love for the children is surpassed only by the children’s love for them.

Gan Israel campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in their Jewish heritage and a love for the land of Israel. Weekly Judaic themes are taught through exciting activities, stories, songs, games and contests, which are part of the unique Gan Israel experience. Combined with group discussions and educational programs, these events bring to life the beauty and values of our tradition.